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Terrorism And War Funds The Unexpected Solution To Global Poverty


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One thing we all must know is, money used in funding terrorism, terror agenda and war can solve the global number one and two problems being #Poverty and #Hatred

Sad this is the reality we all find ourselves, the global poverty issues could vanish if war and terrorism funds are redirected to human capital development, food, educating people that we are one human race not warfare, not arms, not hates: Join This Platform WorldSocio For 100% Free

When people are not feeling tired and on top of the world spreading hatred among humans, one thing you should know is" The money used in funding war and terrorism can solve the world's greatest problem [Poverty]

And if we humans can heal from hatred, and live beyond the idea I'm a Christian, I'm a Muslim, I'm a traditionalist and I'm this superior to that. Seeing how religion fanatics have divided us humans, made us hate one another, hate other people's faith and choice of worship. That hatred is now the world's biggest problem

I have seen how color, skin, language, tribe, and racism have divided us, that some people due to their skin color, tribe, or race think they are far better than others

The fact is, we are one humanity and have failed in our intellectual responsibility to love and be at peace with each other irrespective of color, religion, ethnicity, tribe, country, etc, this we have forgotten and in all, we are all immigrants

Many people who were born in other countries or whose families came from other countries or continents often become very entitled, we see this in my country Nigeria, and the United States as the central of the world

People falsely believe that they are superior to others, that their race, or tribe is superior to others, while this superiority feeling is rampant, the government and wrong politics also promote hate among us, dividing us as the one human race

Imagine when in reality, we are just passing through this world, today it was you and possibly me existing as living beings here on earth, a few years coming. It will be another generation occupying

Biologically, all living things, anyone's life can end anytime; people die daily, and people are born daily, that is life and nature for us all.

The fact is you're not superior to anyone or entitled to anything you feel you are, it is wrong politics, ethnicity, racism, wrong religious teachings that make one/us think he/she "we" are more entitled or better than others. You're only entitled to your happiness while you're still alive, which is for a very brief time.

Known to us, climatic changes can displace all of us or any part of the world to a different part of the world. Yet we humans are funding wars that will leave long-term wrong effects on the world

I often wonder who was here on earth 10,000 years ago, 2,000 years ago, or even 500 years ago to billions of years the world has existed, not just that, who among us are here on earth 300 years ago?

The world keeps changing for hundreds of thousands of years, we live, we die, and other people come after us. You don't go with anything to the grave: No land, no house, no boat, no car, no certificate, no woman, no man, no pet dog, or cat. We go alone

Both war and terrorism endanger us all, while I understand that when most people call for war, rage, to flatten another country just as Gaza, or as an Israeli government official said, to drop a doom weapon' on Gaza or turn it into a parking lot, as some added, talking about love, caution, and a higher purpose, which is making the human race better, is dismissed as pure naivety.

Then it seems love among us the human race doesn't exist only but hatred. Both terrorism and wars are fueled by hate making existence very horrific

When a group of terrorists went inside Israel and slaughtered hundreds of people, including women, children, and innocent civilians. They even recorded their horrors. Anyone with a conscience found that horrific and despicable and condemned Hamas. Everyone understands that Israel has the right to protect its people and defend itself.

But as President Biden said yesterday: "Justice must be done. But I caution this while you feel that rage, don't be consumed by what is happening around our world today, and don't give hate a chance

The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas terrorists and Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people in general. Palestinian people are suffering greatly as well and these people are humans like us."

Calling every Palestinian a terrorist or labeling every pro-Palestinian rally a pro-terrorist rally is not right. Yes, terrorism is bad and world leaders need to come together to find the best and lasting solutions to all these growing terror, war, and insecurity threatening the human race.

As well as find answers to the questions. Who and who are founding all this terrorism, wars, and insecurity, who are behind all these growing terrorism and wars


Let Us Also Remember: Today it might be Israel and Gaza, the tables might turn tomorrow, and a ground invasion, if gone wrong, might lead to a regional or world war III. The world needs peace now just as we need to love each other

Today is Israel, Gaza, Russia, and Ukraine some of us living in other parts of the world don't know these are full-blown wars, and with innocent Israelis, Innocent Palestinians, Ukraine, and Americans being attacked around the world for the actions of others, labeling every single one of them terrorists or war criminals.

It can happen to anyone, group of people, or country, it might even be citizens from another region, religion, or country who might commit acts of horror somewhere else, and there will be calls to label all of them terrorists or suicide bombers and flatten their towns, region or drop a nuke there to Rubble.

We should always isolate the bad elements, the enemy of the human race, and punish them for their crimes instead of inflicting collective punishment on everyone while we're consumed by rage. My God help the world and give us lasting peace. Sign up to World Socio here for 100% free
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