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Practical Wellness Tips For Healthy Living


Everyone desires to live a healthy life. As the medical world says, “health is wealth”. However, swallowing drugs or taking medical substances is not all we need to get good health status.

There are things we could do to stay healthy, well, and happy. Read them in this article, The Practical Wellness Tips For Healthy Living

Starting With Mindset
when do you wake up early in the morning? Do you wake up worried? Or do you wake up ready to take on the day, this may look like nothing, but know you this day that the thought you wake up daily with, matters a lot in practical wellness and healthy living

The state of your mindset matters a lot, how you left to bed and how your wake up from bed, while it's advisable to focus on a healthy mindset, is also good that we clear our heart, soul, and mind before living to the bed, this will possibly give us a healthy wakeup, after a successful sleep

Have said that, with the vitality? Do you wake up positive? That is the mindset that you need to start exhibiting daily. Ensure that when you react to people, you do not react in a frantic or upset way.

Ensure that you don't give people the room to bring on negative vibes into your life, be at peace with yourself, love and don't hate, time is ticking, so literary there is no time for negative things, so keep to positive vibes only,

Also, know that it is important that you listen and then respond to your mindset, understand what your mind is saying or going on at every moment, most importantly before you leave to sleep and after you wake up from sleep

That way, your response is not harsh or rash. And it doesn’t matter what the other person is saying. If you don’t agree – that’s okay.

Learn also to compliment your spouse if you’re married. Compliment your teacher and those around you, appreciate people who do you good, and try to stay far from those who often bring on negative vibes

That’s the mindset that you want to take on for wellness. Appreciate those around you, whether it is your gateman, your cook, co-worker, or even the children; everyone deserves some kudos in some ways. Just practice appreciating people.

Nutrition: This is very important as well. And you need to pay keen attention here. Okay! For nutrition, firstly, practice drinking plenty of water.

I know that some people don’t seem to understand the health benefits associated with drinking water regularly.

Some folks would say that they rather drink tea, coffee, or minerals instead of water. But all of these substances are not the same as water and cannot be compared to natural water or waters gotten from fruits. Note that water is water. And there is nothing to compare with water.

Also, note that tea sometimes dehydrates the body. Especially if it is caffeinated. So water and tea are in two different levels. Ideally, you should be drinking between 2.4 to 3 liters of water daily. So learn to have water near you virtually all the time.

You have to be intentional while practicing these wellness tips and maintain consistency. It is not doing it today and letting it go tomorrow. You should stay on it for optimal results. So, you want to be deliberate and consistent – that’s the only way you can see the desired change.


Still, on nutrition, endeavor to increase the vegetables on your plate. In other words, eat plenty of vegetables regularly. Take things like carrot, cucumber, lettuce, cabbage…and so forth. Just ensure that at every meal, daily, you have some form of vegetables on your plate.

Remember we’re working towards wellness. And this wellness, whether you have diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, ulcer, or any issues that you’re having with your body – putting the steps to wellness will help you improve.

Lifestyle: learn to walk. Move more. For every opportunity that you get, learn to walk. Even if your nature of work requires you to sit at one spot.

I dare say that there’s no reason why you should go a day without doing some form of exercise. You could dance, or shake your body, take a stroll at home or at your workplace premises. It enhances blood circulation around your body.

Do push-ups. Jug, jump, swim, run if you can. Remember to be deliberate and consistent too. Over time, your breathing system and overall fitness will be in better shape. Also, add some modicum of laughter to your lifestyle. Because laughter helps to elevate your state of mind. It also makes you relaxed.

Laughter subdues anxiety too. So laughter is good. Learn to be joyful. Avoid moodiness. Remember, “Happiness is free”. So, you can laugh with your family members, colleagues, neighbor or there’s nothing wrong if you laugh by yourself. You can just laugh – if that makes you feel good.

It might interest you to know that, laughter improves your hormones, boost your immune system, and does so much for your total wellbeing.

Massage: plan for a massage. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive. Your spouse could massage your feet, back, shoulders, muscles, those tension areas.

And if you have children, they can also do that for you. A friend can also give you a massage. Yes! there is nothing wrong with getting the children to help you with proper massage, you can as well register with professionals who are into Yoga, etc

Spirituality: it is necessary you meditate, visualize and really take some quiet time on a daily basis. You can take at least ten minutes each day meditating.

Do some deep breathing. Did you know that deep breathing lowers your blood pressure, improves blood flow, and calms anxiety? Deep breathing reduces inflammation as well. It is healthy for your well-being in ways you least could think of.

So, these are just some of the wellness tips that you can practice to improve your overall well-being. Sometimes you can practice these tips as a family, or with some friends. Keep in view that what is most important is being deliberate and consistent, hope you enjoyed the article 'Practical Wellness Tips For Healthy Living' written By Bassey, from World Forum, a global community forum for all counties, building a better world for all is possible.