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Pope Challenges The Entire Europe To Live Up To Its Human Rights Ideals


JUST IN: Pope Challenges The Entire Europe To Live Up To Its Human Rights Ideals

The Man in the vertical city has challenged entire Europe as the continent to live up to the human rights ideals they fronts, in action, the Pope has cried about the decline in human rights ideals and increase of human rights abuses across the contents and much all over the world, The event which took place at LESBOS, Greece, where Pope Francis ventured today being Sunday the day 5th of December 2021, his deals was into one of the grimmest places in Europe, in a razor-wired fenced camp near asylum seekers, letting the leaders of the contents and the people of Europe nations and most important those who lived there that Europe's migration response has too often been defensive and inhumane to humanity, so the content should live up to it human right ideals

In his voice, all human life matters immigrants or non-immigration we should strive to put humanity first, this is what the entire European nations should be leading at, be exemplary to up lighting human rights and respecting all humans irrespective of race, countries, color, or religion, we are all one in Christ Jesus


He continued by making it known that, when there are human rights abuses, we are talking of people, real people, people life, just like every one of us are at stake, Pope Francis said, in some of his most pleading words on a tope that has defined his pontificate, he argues all hand to be on the desk in up lighting the life of all humans

Also in the Karatepe refugee camp, the Pope spends over 25 minutes shaking hands with hundreds of refugees and also spends quality of time greeting children, as seen on the photo footage attach to thread, stay safe from all of us World Forum. a better world is possible for all,