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How Do We Live In Peace


How do we live in peace, how can the world be at peace, I don't know if you have ever asked yourself this question, why so much crisis among us, even among siblings, tribes, countries, and the world at large "How Do We Live In Peace"

Now let's start within ourselves and ask ourselves? are you living at peace with yourself, if your answer is no, now ask yourself? How can I live at peace with myself?

It's so sad when you think about what is going on around us today, war and terrors, people are dying in hundreds and thousands, while millions are being displaced

How do you live in peace, now extend this question to your family if they are not in peace, possibly ask your family "How will your family live in peace/how can we live in peace

How about your tribe, among them your religion, state, or nationality, how do your people, your country live in peace?. Knowing how divided we are if to ask? is there peace in your country, possible the answer is no. Now ask yourself again, how will your country live in peace, let's proceed to our continents

As a proudly African, most of the West African countries are not at peace with each other, the growing hatred among the African communities/tribes may consume the African continent any time soon if those in power fail to handle the growing hate among African tribes amicable

As I write to you there is an ongoing war in different parts of the world, there is a full-blown war in the Middle East that if not well handled may lead to the proclaimed World War III. So back to my question? "how do we live in peace"

Not just a full-blown war in the Middle East, Europe is at war, and the Russia and Ukraine war is still there, with hundreds to thousands of people dead, properties destroyed

Yet no room for peace talk, no room for negotiation, and possibly no sight of ending the war any time soon, as the war is being heavily funded by different governments around the world

how do we live in peace, worldsocio.jpg

Back in West Africa, the once peaceful African continent is growing and now consumed by terrorism, insecurities, and military governments are taking over states/countries

The same crisis goes across the world where there is a total mess, the menace and growing hatred are much. The question remains "How Do We Live In Peace"?

Do we need all this crisis in today's modern world, where countries are building and pilling up nuclear weapons?

How do we live in peace? can the world ever know peace, can the world ever live in peace, who and who is benefiting from all these crises, insecurity, terrorism, wars, killings, and destruction

Who is behind all these and please how do we live in peace? Sign up to World Socio and use the comment section to drop your opinion. #Endwar now #Endterrorism now #Endhates and let build one humanity race and live at peace with each other