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Harnie Gold

The festive season have come and gone and the question on the lips of so more people right now, is what do I do with all these fat I have accumulated? I do not need it. How can I lose it? Well that is what this post is all about.

Or perhaps, you are among the people who have been battling with weight loss even before the festive season but all to no avail, no testimony. Well I bring you goodnews. It is possible to get rid of excess fat so that, you can finally have your dream shape and wear your dream clothes.

Someone I know will always say, gaining weight is easy but losing weight is not easy. Well, I agree with him. Yes, I do and I know you are supprised. You are supprised because our title says easy ways to lose fat. Losing weight is indeed difficult but if you follow these ways I will be dishing out in this post, your journey to weight loss will be as easy as abcd.

Breakfast / best friend

You should cherish eating breakfast the same way you cherish your best friend. According to Elizabeth Ward, MS, RD, author of The Pocket Idiot's Guide to the New Food Pyramids. "Studies show people who eat breakfast have lower BMIs than breakfast-skippers and perform better, whether at school or in the boardroom.

Maintain social distancing from sugar

Sugary drinks can only help you accumulate more calories. Instead of consuming fruit juices, opt for low calory but yet nutritious vegetable juices. Most vegetable juices are usually low in calories which is exactly what your body needs.

Eat vegetables

Vegetable are low in calories. In addition to opting for vegetable juices over fruit juices, eating a lot of Vegetables, is an excellent way to prevent the consumption of too much calories which in turn adds to our weight.

Do not avoid protein

Protein is not your problem. Contrary to what some ignorant people think, protein is good if want to lose weight. Including protein in your meal,makes you to stay fuller for a longer time. Thereby, preventing you from over eating.

Reduce your consumption of carbohydrates

Choose foods that have low carbohydrate contain such as egg, beef, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, etc. Also avoid refined carbohydrates because they are easy to digest and so, convert to glucose very quickly.

Have a weight lose plan

Having a weight loss plan is important but more important is following through the plan to you see your desired results. Weight loss plan, keeps you in check. You can achieve your aim in your weight loss plan by being mindful of what you eat every day.

Get quality sleep

According to studies, proper sleep habit, is good as poor sleep quality triggers weight gain.

Practice the 6pm rule

Avoid eating any meal after 6pm especially heavy meals. Eating close to bed time, is not a good idea for anybody especially, anyone who wants to lose weight.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise, helps you to burn calories and also helps you to stay fit.