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69 Years Old Billionaire Regrets Not Teaching His Children These 7 Top Money Lessons


Here is the moment when a 69 years billionaire regrets not teaching his children these 7 top money lessons when they were young (The lessons are interesting ones you and every one of us should pay attention to and learn from the billionaire's mistakes)

According to the man, parents should devote time to teaching their children real investment/financial principle, starting with teaching them "money-making skills" at a tender age, parents shouldn't be shy about teaching their children how to make money as well be financial discipline/responsible

The 69-year-old billionaire is today regretting not teaching his children these 7 top money lessons when they were much younger

He is now advising parent both the poor class parents, middle class, and rich parents across the world to teach their children these basic and top money-making principles when their "the children are still very young" (Teach Them Young)


The adage, 'old is golden,' has never been more pertinent than in the case of this 69-year-old billionaire who has come to reflect on the golden lessons of financial wisdom that he wishes he had imparted to his children at their younger age.

His introspection serves as a stark reminder of the gaping hole in our educational systems worldwide, that financial/money principles are not teach in school, a hole that leaves our future generations (Young Children/Youth MUCH empty) and ill-prepared to navigate the labyrinth of personal finance.

In His The Lament of a Wise Man

The unnamed billionaire, whose life has been marked by the trials and triumphs of real investment, and managing wealth, expressed deep regret for not teaching his children the importance of financial literacy from an early age.

In his voice, he had failed in carrying his children along, hoping the educational system would be able to fix that. Only to have been disappointed despite sending his kids to the best schools around the world

Though 'His lessons' were not about multiplying wealth and trying to multiply incomes but about understanding its true value. (The Value Of Wealthy System)

That he wanted to teach them (his children at a younger age) about these 7 things​

i) delayed gratification,​
ii) the illusion of material possessions,​
iii) the magic of compounding interest,​
iv) the art of creating passive income,​
v) the pitfalls of debt,​
vi) the realization that hard work, not luck, is the cornerstone of success.​
viii) the need child's financial responsibility​

Yes, the above listing was what the 69-year-old billionaire wishes he had taught his children from an early age. Progressively the lesson in the making

His lament for the past is a lesson for the present parents. The importance of teaching children about money management and financial responsibility is now being recognized by educational institutions across the globe.

That China as a country is getting positive credit, their children are much introduced into financial responsibility at their early stage

While more and more states are beginning to implement policies to incorporate financial literacy into their high school curriculum, to help the young generation of today excel in life

This is not just about teaching students how to balance checkbook or pay bills, but about instilling in them a mindset of financial responsibility/sensibility (On How to make money and be financially responsible at an early stage) that will guide them throughout their lives.

Helping Parents To Install In Their Young Children (The Bigger Picture) About Future

But this is not just about personal finance, not really about money but about building a financially responsible generation, that understands the importance of real investment, saving, consistent investing, and avoiding wasteful lifestyles and debt.

It’s about creating a society where individuals can make informed decisions about their money, and money communication, reducing the risk of falling into financial traps and contributing to economic stability.

The regretting '69-year-old billionaire' is a wake-up call, a call to action for parents, educators, policy-makers, governments, NGO's and nations everywhere.

That it's time to ensure that the next generation is equipped not just with academic knowledge, but with practical financial wisdom and real investment that will serve them throughout their lives. Sign up for world socio and stay on

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