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World War 3, Is History About To Repeat Itself


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World War 3, Is History About To Repeat Itself? The global world has never been this close to World War 3 that one may ask -Is history about to repeat itself?

Some decades ago, on one Christmas Eve in the year 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to preserve a Communist government there and protect their interests in the country against western nations' wish

The invasion set the stage for one of the showdowns of the cold war when the Pentagon threw its support behind the opposition, a coalition of Muslim fighters known as the Mujahideen.

Just like now in Ukraine, the United States flooded the country with weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, which cost about $200 million and the war lasted ten years. In 1989, the Soviet was forced to withdraw from Afghanistan in humiliating defeat. The CIA Mission Chief in Pakistan sent back a cable to Washington that said in the bold letter, WE WON!

It was a big victory, delivering the weapons to the Mujahideen and defeating the Soviet Union. America left Afghanistan, happy that the Soviet Union had been defeated.

However, with the Russians out of the picture, just like it may likely happen in Ukraine with weapons all over the country, Afghanistan became fertile ground for chaos and terrorism that eventually led to the terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 that killed thousands of Americans.

The terror attacks against the United States were planned in Afghanistan. They were not the first, not the second as more terror attacks on United state has been planned in Afghanistan

In 1993, just four years after the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan, two Mujahideen bombers blew up the World Trade Center in New York City while another Mujahideen leader called Osama Bin Laden was rising in the mountainous regions in Afghanistan planning to attack America, which he later died

The United States secret service and intelligence agencies did not pay attention to them, after all, they thought, those are our 'allies' who helped defeat the Russians.

But it was a mistake that gave birth to 9/11 which happened right in the United States, taking thousands of lives by the same people the United States helped defeat the Soviet Union.

As a result of those bloody attacks, the United States was forced to also invade Afghanistan. The war lasted another 20 years. The United States spent trillions of dollars, lost thousands of soldiers, and also killed tens of thousands of Afghan fighters and civilians, but ended up losing the war and withdrew in 2021, 20 years after the war began, saddly all these war and crisis are creating more refugees around the world

More People Are Becoming Refugee.jpg

The United States left in power the same Taliban it was trying to remove from power, made gun manufacturers in the United States rich, while ordinary Americans wallowed in poverty and debt.

A financial crisis in 2006 and 2007 left many people without jobs or homes, triggering a global recession around the world. It was a waste of lives, money, time, and other resources.

Right now, the Russians have again invaded Ukraine and the United States has thrown its weight behind the Ukrainians who oppose the Russian's invasion, not just the United States, the Global world opposed the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Now billions of dollars have been approved for the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine in far Europe, and gun manufacturers in the United States and all over the world are making billions of dollars manufacturing weapons

World War 3, Is History About To Repeat Itself.jpg

Security companies are employing more people and making a lot of money, the global leaders are spending more insecurity, buying guns, and weapons to spend in human development, ending global poverty, and even ending the Pandemic

The US assistance has helped Ukraine fight the Russians, forcing them to withdraw from Kyiv and elsewhere. Unlike in Afghanistan, the Russians have almost completely taken Eastern Ukraine and are in the process of installing a friendly government there.

Right now, many people are urging Ukrainians not to give up territories, fight on, fight on, do not negotiate, they say. And in Washington, President Biden is saying the United States will be in Ukraine as long as it takes.

However, his party is about to lose power in just months to come, and the reality is that the United States will not be in Ukraine forever and if there is a change in the United State Government the money will stop coming and with weapons everywhere, the country will likely fall into chaos.

With Russians making more gains and Ukraine losing territories, it does not appear to be looking like a victory for Ukraine and things may go badly when the money from the United States will stop flooding in as I just stated, and with weapons all over the country now, Ukraine will be turned into chaos.

This will likely last many years and on and on we will be back to square one.
People on the right in the United States are beginning to ask questions. Does Ukraine love the United States? Is it worth spending billions and billions of dollars in Ukraine for a war that they will lose?

Should the United States push more for negotiations now rather than later since that's what will eventually happen after tens of thousands of people have been killed and the country has been destroyed?

Will Ukraine become another Afghanistan ten years from now, turning against the United States? Is history repeating itself? I don't have any answer, so please Sign Up to World Forum Live, log in and use the comment and discussion tab to give me an answer, if you have one
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