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Watch How Bill Gates Contributed In Ending Rivers Blindness Disease In Niger


When you are healthy, you can work, you can learn, you can earn and you can grow wealthy, this is a true story of health is wealth, Read and Watch How Bill Gates Contributed To Ending Rivers Blindness Disease In Niger

As Bill Gates himself receive a dead fly as a gift from NasDaily, to celebrate the global effort in getting rid of the horrible disease called River Blindness, and these black flies are what that comes from,

Though these black flies are rare in rich countries, so the majority of people in those countries care more or less about these black flies or Mosquitoes, but in poor countries across Africa, these annoying and deadly insects are everywhere and they can end someone's life

These flies carry worms that can be deadly, if they bite you, you can get worms that go to your eyes and turn you blind,

According to Bill Gates, the disease passed on by these insects is called River Blindness, It's black flies bite you a parasite gets into your blood and it goes all over your body and makes you itch, and eventually, it gets into your eyes and permanently makes you blind, that is how deadly these flies are

Imagine living your entire life in darkness, this is one sickness the rich world, rich countries don't know about but the majority of poor countries and poor people are suffering it

In the year 2021 alone about 1 Billion People suffer from 10 Neglected Tropical Diseases, which tends to be a lot of parasites and worms that exist mostly in tropical areas and because they don't exist in the rich countries, so apparently, it seems to be a poor countries diseases, a poor man sickness

The drug companies, the donors they just don't know it's there, it's kind of horrific stuff back then,

But the Good news now is that they are neglected no more, people like Bill Gates, the UAE, and the World Bank have come together to do something crazy in eliminating the disease, that we forgot about

So everybody went to work, with the input of the Bill & Milinda Gates foundation, NGOs, Governments, Pharmaceuticals, and local people, they were able to track all the black flies in Niger, a country in West Africa, officially the Republic of The Niger and stop them from breeding, so no more flies, no more bites, no more diseases

Then pharma companies donated medicine pills to treat infected humans, and then they educated everybody about tropical diseases, and they did this every day for decades

Today for the first time in 40 years in the country of Niger we have officially won the fight against River Blindness, Niger has indeed eliminated the transmission of Onchocerciasis

So as of date, there is no more River Blindness Disease and Niger is now recorded as the first African country to eliminate Rivers Blindness disease

Watch The Video Below: How Bill Gates Contributed In Ending Rivers Blindness Disease In Niger, Mbonu Watson, Reporting from World Forum
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