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This 30-Second Devotion Converts Souls.


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On the Feast of Our Lady’s Nativity,
Mary appeared to Sister Justine
Bisqueyburu and offered the
world a great gift.
The apparition was not unusual.

Sister Justine had seen the
Blessed Mother before.

But the gift Mary gave was astonishing.

The Blessed Mother held a small piece of
cloth attached to a cord that would be
known as the Green Scapular.
Mary entrusted Sister Justine with a mission.

This scapular and the prayers of those
who used it would convert the
faithless and fallen-away.

Mary’s promise has proven true, of course.

Through the power of this scapular,
individuals have been fully healed
just days from death.

Others have turned away from suicide.

Still others have been saved from
dangerous or toxic relationships.
Why do I need a Green Scapular?

If you struggle with doubts about the Faith
or are seriously ill, cover yourself with
the healing rays of Mary’s heart.

Some people have even received great graces
of purity and modesty from putting a Green
Scapular in their workplace.

If your loved ones have rejected the Church,
you can hide a Green Scapular among their
belongings and recite the prayer that
calls their heart to conversion.

Start with a few simple steps:

  • Have the scapular blessed by a priest. Unlike other scapulars, no particular blessing formula is needed.
  • Place the scapular nearby. It can be worn around the neck, pocketed, or hidden in the room of a loved one.
  • Repeat its simple prayer daily.Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” This can be prayed by the one wearer or the giver of the scapular.
  • Uncomfortable using “covert”
    conversion tactics?

    The Blessed Mother isn’t!

    Six years after she gave Sister Justine the
    scapular, she told her that even if a person
    is unwilling to wear it, loved ones can
    still hide it among their things.
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