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The Car Influencer Who Made The Viral BUY ALL THE CARS Video Arrested

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JUST IN: The Car Influencer Who Made The Viral BUY ALL THE CARS Video Has Been Arrested

The car influencer who made the viral video, claiming he is buying all the car trending video has been arrested for portraying Dubia and Saudi Arabia's Culture and way of living wrongly. Although the event happened in Dubia, while he was arrested for portraying both the Dubia and Saudi Arabia's culture wrong


The news read, a popular social media influencer by the name "Car Expert" has been arrested by Dubai Police

The man was arrested and is under investigation for the video which promotes a wrong and offensive mental image of Emirati-Citizens and ridicules them, and then incites and provokes public opinion. Which harms the public interest -WAM

This came after he posted a video that reportedly hurt the Emirati Citizen's image, as well ridicules their culture. Car expert initially had his page focusing on providing genuine car tips, so as his page grow to thousands and million of users, so as his appetite for viral videos grew as well

So he switches from creating genuine car tips to creating outrageous viral content, to keep getting millions and millions of views, likes, comments, and reshare

Sadly, the narrative of these viral videos are all the same, as they showcase that everyone is rich in Dubai except in most cases "you the viewers" and that if you're not sporting a Rolex on your hands or you have a Lamborghini Urus or live in a nice mansion in the palm, then you are not a respected member of the society

Most people cannot afford super luxury lifestyles, and these videos only serve to benefit authors (The contents creator himself) as well as a very small percentage of the population that can afford the vehicles, as well as the houses that they are promoting

Otherwise, it only serves to hurt the viewers and make them feel bad about themselves because most of them cannot attain the type of luxury that these people have to offer. Now watch the short video below as it explain it in details