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The 2 Most Important Digital Marketing Skills For High Earners



If your goal is to earn money passively online, here are "The 2 Most Important Digital Marketing Skills For High Earners" you need to know, learn, and put into practice

First, the two are as follows:

1: The traffic you own: These are active and engaging traffic (audience) you have built around your niche market and can reach out to them at any given time of the day, promoting your business offers

It can be an email list audience, Facebook active followers, Twitter followers, or YouTube subscribers, including your WhatsApp or Telegram active users

While this form of digital marketing skill is very important for high earners, it involves the process of "Leads magnet" the true audience collection where you need to be consistently collecting and building an active list around your niche market

2: The traffic you merit: This form of traffic is all focused on "Search results" Search traffic remains one of best best sources of traffic as long as digital marketing is concerned

Here you need to optimize your digital business products or services, website pages, posts, etc to rank and appear among the top on SERP results covering your niche search queries

Imagine ranking across Google, YouTube search, and Bing with some major keywords around your niche, now imagine getting up to 1k to 15k organic traffic daily from Google search alone

The traffic you merit, being trafficked from search remains one of the best sources of successful digital marketing you can't afford to ignore and this is one system of marketing most online business top earners use in making over 6 to 7-figure monthly

In other words, the traffic you merit is all about building your business around search engine optimization and winning the necessary keywords around your niche

Though the issue a lot of people have is how to rank on search, and how to go about getting organic traffic from search, this has always been the major problem. The answer is SEO. you need to create time to learn SEO, read more SEO Threads

While I have revealed how you can achieve both the traffic you own and the traffic you merit in video module 10 of the CPA Network Marketing Course, which I recommend you get the course should you yet to do so

The course will go a long way in revealing to you in live practical, a step-by-step videos how you can start building active lists and ranking your website post across SERP. Irrespective of the video practical course, I will still give you some values here on how to build traffic you own and traffic you merit

My wish is for you to be among the top earners in your niche in the fastest time ever. Just Sign Up to WorldSocio for more incentives

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