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How To Master The Facebook Algorithm



Often time you will hear me say that marketing and promoting your business across the online community is everything great each business should do and be consistent on

Here again, are steps on how to master the Facebook Algorithm and start leveraging great returns on Facebook ad placement across Meta products. To proceed on this post thread, let first of all define what we mean by the words (Facebook Algorithm):

Facebook's Algorithm: This is when a type of system that classifies and organizes content, articles, and information on the Facebook social networking platform.

The main goal of the algorithm is to present content that is highly likely to engage and relevant to the user's interests.

Essentially, Facebook's algorithm rates all posts, images, ads, stories, reals, live videos, etc every post entry that goes across the Meta properties, like Facebook and Instagram

The Algorithm And Your Audiences

Understand that the Facebook algorithm pays much attention to all your posts across FACEBOOK and take a deep study on how they engage with the audience

Here your audience's needs & preferences across Facebook say it prioritizes meaningful content, engaging content, and content that contains a lot of valuable information.

Content that meets the above conditions will be specifically expressed through and will be shown by Facebook to more of your friends and those that likely engage in such post content

Understanding Posting Meaningful Content: Post content or stories that users want to like, comment on and share with their friends and family or content that they spend a lot of time reading and watching (based on past behavior data).

On The Valuable Content: Content that is new, interesting, or contains a lot of valuable information will depend on different user groups, and will also be favored

Determining what content is meaningful and providing useful information to a specific customer requires businesses to understand their behavior and preferences.

Or more easily understood, businesses need to spend a lot of time researching target customers.

Build Accurate And Unique Content: Facebook revealed that users especially value and love highly accurate content as well as posts that are carefully produced instead of plagiarized or copied from other sources.

Therefore, the "authority" factor will be ranked higher in the algorithm. Meanwhile, videos that are misleading, sensational, spammy, or reuploaded will be filtered and removed.

Not just videos, but also posts that contain links not well trusted in most cases are shadow banned and shown less across Facebook and Instagram social media places

Tips To Win The Facebook Algorithm
Here are some tips to help you prove to the Facebook algorithm that your content is “authentic” unique and highly authentic

Write clear titles: Make sure your titles clearly describe what users will find in your post. You can certainly be creative but refrain from using clickbait or misleading titles, as well as adding any of the banned words across your post

Be honest: Always be honest and remember you are posting for others to engage, so simply put, tell the truth and don't sensationalize, exaggerate, or outright lie, except you are a prank content creator who makes up stories just to go viral. On the other hand, here are some things you should avoid mentioning:

Content that endangers the safety of the community: Such as violence, self-harm, or the use of banned or strictly regulated products (alcohol, beer, cigarettes...). etc

Also exaggerated and deceptive content such as unrealistic financial tips, miracle cures, or get-rich-quick scheme ways, unoriginal content, or as well unattributed news content, content that contains false information.

Don't Manipulate" or "Confront" the Facebook algorithm: Just the same way we have with Google, don't try to manipulate or confront the Facebook algorithm, it may bounce back on you and affect you the more. So don't misunderstand, the purpose of this article is to teach you how to work with Facebook's algorithm progressively.

However, Ori also wants to immediately eliminate your "budding" thoughts about cheating, so he was trying to “manipulate” the algorithm to get more impressions instead of investing in post-value

Based on Facebook ranking factors is a big no-no, Don't TRY TO BUY LINKS, COMMENTS, AND Share using a third party and also in a situation where most of the links, comments, and shares are carried out with a bot account. Facebook says don't

For example, many businesses pay a budget for interactive or commenting activities (Seeding) or engage in other black hat strategies (hacking) to cheat the rate of articles appearing on newsfeeds

Most time ends up affecting their account, profile, or page in the long run, some even get their page disabled and deleted by Facebook for one or another reasons

However, currently, Facebook pays special attention and closely monitors fraudulent activities to limit the distribution of misleading and deceptive content.

So, trying to compete with the algorithm with fraudulent activities, ways and tricks will only cause your content to decline. Even buying likes can reduce your post's visibility rate just as I mentioned early

In short, Facebook's message is simple: Join the algorithm and follow it, don't try to fight it. Sign up to AfricaChoice here for more incentive

How Actively interact with viewers; Facebook's algorithm prioritizes posts from pages that users have interacted with in the past. This means that responding to customer interactions is the "bouquet" that opens a relationship.

Facebook wants you to interact with users on your posts, for example when a user comments on your post, Facebook expects you to respond to the user. And the more people interact organically with your post, the more the Facebook algorithm favors such posts and displays them more to others

While this post thread (Steps on how to master Facebook algorithm) is focused on businesses and marketers across Facebook. For yet another example

If a customer has taken the time to comment on your post, take advantage of this opportunity and don't delay or waste your time sending them a response, respond to them professionally

Because this makes them feel listened to and respected, and willing to engage with your post. Besides, a reply from your side will increase the likelihood that customers will continue to comment on your posts in the future.

Of course, these interaction data will be positive signals for the Facebook algorithm to "prioritize" your content recommendations and show it more across Facebook: Sign up to Africa Choice here to keep learning.
