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How A Mum Saved Her Son's Marriage: Lesson To Everyone


How A Mum Saved Her Son's Marriage Every mother has a story of how their love and care for their children helped to save their marriage.

For one mother, her son's struggles with addiction were the final straw that led to his divorce. She fought tooth and nail to keep her son together with his wife, even when it seemed impossible. In the end, her efforts paid off, and the family emerged stronger than ever as her son overcame addiction, and his marriage was saved.

Here we have yet another great mother, and this is the story of how she saved her son's marriage. A lesson for everyone, this is our top read, as shared on our social media platform. Enjoy

The Son's True Story as shared by her mother
Barely three weeks after my son’s wedding and honeymoon, I noticed his rather unusual “stopping by” at my place on his way home in the evenings just to eat.

At first, I thought he was just missing his original home, so I skipped asking him while, only for that to continue the following weeks, he still comes around just to eat, which was rather odd for a newly married man. I have no choice but to ask him why?

So I asked him why but he gave no reasonable answer. Why do you always ask for food when you come around, from my observation you are newly married and should be eating with your beloved wife, why are you only branching by just to eat? Son please can you tell me why, he still insists nothing much,

On his fourth week visit, he came with one of his friends who was well known to me. I confided in his friend, who simply told me that our new wife “cannot cook”. she doesn't know how to cook

My son's friend told me the plain truth that, In fact, on the days he doesn’t stop by, he eats at his friend’s house or he eats out in a restaurant.

This was a fire on the mountain to a new couple and could endanger their beautiful union, after knowing the truth, now the choice was between me encouraging him to eat outside with another woman and eventually ending his marriage or saving the day. I opted for the latter, which is simple to save my son's marriage but have to take my step calmly

So when my son showed up again on Friday evening, I told him to tell his wife to see me on Saturday morning, that I would love to see her first thing in the morning, we needed to go somewhere together, it was a woman’s thing.

The next Saturday morning my son's wife showed up, looking all beautiful, she came as I requested and I told her I was entertaining my Church Society members and needed to cook for them. She was to assist me with the shopping for the cooking. I noticed the fright on her face, but have to calm her down by letting her know that the process is not going to be stressful, though she was still frightened a bit

Minutes later, we both left for shopping, after returning home from the shopping, I told her she wasn’t cooking because the people involved had very peculiar tastes. However, she was to pay attention to all that I did in the kitchen.

We finished (or I finished) all the cooking in about four hours. I made four different soups that I knew my son loved, made stew, and laced everything with chicken, fish, and beef.

I added some steaming jolly of rice to it. After finishing, I told her to divide everything we cooked into two equal portions. She was surprised when I told her to take one portion with her when she was going home, that it was for her and my son, the newly husbandman

I knew the food would last about six weeks, and as predicted, my son did not show up at my door until week seven. I knew the food had finished. I repeated the same process, telling him to tell his wife to see me when he got home. she came after and we cooked together, she watch me eye to eye as I take her on the cooking process, she was a bit at ease this time and we flowed together like mother and daughter

By the third time we did this, and the fourth repeatedly, I let her do the cooking whilst I supervised her. I never mentioned anything to her. By the fifth time, she had gotten a hang of things, even better than I imagined. On her way home, she hugged me passionately and said “Thank you, Mum, you saved my marriage and you never even scolded me.” I am forever grateful. Weeks on, my son didn't drop by just to eat, I was later told that with my son’s encouragement, she is now contemplating opening a restaurant. That was how I saved my son's marriage. Hope you learn one or two lessons from this.

This is a true story, as shared on the World Forum Live social media group page, do you have a story to share with us, Click Here To Join The Forum and let your story be read all over the world

What I have understood in life, is simply never to be a catalyst to scatter my son’s marriage when I have the chance to do better, I opted for encouraging my son's wife to learn how to cook without directly telling her, God and nature so kind to us, she optin in. and we had success all together

Learn to encourage someone in love today, you just might be saving something very fundamental, learn to be a blessing to someone, and don't be so quick in being a catalyst to someone's pain, but the channel of love