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Fatigue has become a word with many adjectives. There’s muscle fatigue, mask fatigue, chronic fatigue, Zoom fatigue, and mental fatigue. One Alabama newspaper ran an article on work-from-home fatigue. Thousands of people are finding that working from home leaves them tired before they even start the day. It leads to people being extra irritable, being kind of lost, and feeling like all their work is heavier than usual.

Maybe you’re fatigued. The load seems heavy, life moves slowly, and you want to begin procrastinating things.

Even Jesus withdrew for rest and restoration (Luke 5:16). We all need proper sleep, for the Lord grants sleep to His children (Psalm 127:2). Everyone needs an occasional getaway, a break from the stress. We also need the mental peace Christ gives us.

Vance Havner said, “His rest is no imaginary escape from reality. His peace is that blessed consciousness that in the midst of trouble our real lives are beyond the reach of circumstance hid with Christ in God. Blessed experience, possible for the humblest believer here and now!”