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Doctor Told Me My Baby Is Going To Die Of Complication During Birth: But This Happened


As shared by Adina River, how she was told that her baby Nala is going to die of complications during birth

She Writes
I want to share something with you that I’ve kept a secret throughout the entire last year 2021, as i believe now is the right time i should share the story with you. I am ready to share it with you now. yes I'm ready (.. and maybe my story helps you with your 2022), it’s about my pregnancy and the birth of my baby girl Nala, last year 2021


The truth is.

It wasn’t what most people thought it was. It all started when I went for a pregnancy check-up with the doctor.

I was then 35 weeks pregnant.

The doctor checked the heart rate of the little being in my belly, her liver, her kidneys.

All of a sudden the Doctor 'he' stopped. I saw a worried look on his face, which got uncomfortable.

Then I was scared.

Finally, he said:

“You have a rare condition. You only got one artery in your umbilical cord. There should be two.”

I had no clue what this meant, but it didn’t sound good.

The next thing I knew was that he told me I could no longer give birth at home and instead had to be in hospital and on top of that he said that I’d have to come in for weekly check ups from now on since my baby could face sudden complications.

Some babies with only one artery in the umbilical cord may have heart failure or kidney failure or even a heart attack during birth, he said. It felt like my entire world around me was crumbling down.

As I walked out of the doctor’s office I was trembling. I called Oliver, my baby daddy and the father of my unborn child, in tears, yes i was deep in tears as I told him what had just happened, what the Doctor just said to me

The condition I had was called “single umbilical artery”.

When you google this stuff online, you find all kinds of horror stories. top horror to scare you to death, the next day I called my midwife and told her all about it hoping she’d comfort me.

But things got worse …

A few hours later she called me back saying that she can no longer be my midwife under the current circumstances.

“It is too dangerous for me,” she said.

“And I also spoke to other midwives,” she said “and none of them will take you anymore with this condition of yours. It’s too dangerous for us.”

I was in despair.

The thought of giving birth in a hospital caused pain in my heart .. especially under current conditions in hospitals.

Here I was.

  • far away from home
  • no midwife accepted me with my single umbilical cord
  • a doctor who told me that my baby could have a heart attack during birth and
  • the thought of giving birth in a hospital cramped up my entire body.

(.. not a good place to be mentally when pregnant and about to give birth)

The only person who did not drop me was my doula.

(A doula is a person who is like a companion during birth. She doesn’t do health-related support and is rather emotional support)

Together we processed the situation.

We talked about birth.

We talked about death, funny enough we talk more about death and have started preparing for death. And strangely.. confronting myself with my greatest possible fear (.. fear of complications and death) helped me to become calmer & clear-minded.

It helped me to make a decision.

I decided

… to no longer go for check-ups to the doctor.

… I decided to FULLY trust .. life, myself & “god”.

… I decided to give birth at home .. even if it meant that I would have no medical help.

I was in warrior mode.

“If nobody wanted to help me, I would help myself.”

In the following weeks, I prepared my mind like a warrior.

I practiced:

  • staying in the present moment.
  • surrendering to life.
  • trusting my heart.

I listened to shamanic music, meditated, worked out, sat in the sun, talked to the spirit world, and nourished my body with the best foods possible.

But let me tell you, Dear.

I was scared AF at times.

What if I was risking too much?

What if my intuition was telling me wrong?

What if something happened during birth? Could I live with it? Or would I blame myself?

I kept my situation a secret.

Only a few people knew of my condition and the situation.

I knew that if I’d tell the “wrong” people I would have to deal with judgment and questions that would not give me the strength I needed to give birth naturally and safely!

I still get chills thinking of these last weeks of my pregnancy.

You know how the story ended, I gave birth to my baby girl last year, no complications, no surgering, no heart failure, no death, I gave birth right at home, save and sound. I gave birth like a FREAKING QUEEN.

.. together with Oliver in our bathroom here in Bali.

I remember leaning over the sink in my bathroom - gasping for air in between contractions - and asking Oliver:

“Can you see her head? I think I can feel her head.”

Oliver was sitting on the floor behind me .. looking at me with big, confused eyes .. holding his hands up.

Then the next wave of contractions rolled over me.

And Nala flew straight into Oliver’s arms.

It felt surreal.

There she was .. breathing .. alive.

No heart failure .. no complications.

Oliver handed her to me.

My body was trembling, buzzing, vibrating.

I felt deeply humbled by the forces of life.

Why am I sharing this with you, Friend?

  1. Your belief can move mountains.
  2. Going ALL in with your heart is a superpower.
  3. Trusting your intuition brings in unexpected wonders

Sometimes it takes tremendous courage to go against the mainstream and trust our hearts. We all want to be liked and loved.

We fear being unwanted.

And it is this fear which keeps us from experiencing the FULL magic of life and our full potential.

In 2022 I’ll go ALL in with all my heart and exclusively follow my intuition .. despite my fears.

Let’s conquer 2022 together, Let’s trust, have faith & show up with our HEARTS on fire, be positive, believe in yourself and keep working to improve your self, better any situations you may have find yourself and best keep your dream life alive

For 2022 I’m wishing you everything your heart desires!! I love you to the moon and back,


Learn more about the Adina Rivers, just visit copy and paste on your browser to learn more

